False Flags Not Guaranteed!

Tuesday 1739hrs

I bring you from the BBC, the following gem regarding the McCain-Obama race:

Analysts are straining to come up with ways McCain could reverse the flow of the election at this late date. The truth is, such a task is out of his hands.

A major terrorist strike or an international crisis might give McCain the opportunity to demonstrate his commander-in-chief credentials, though there are no guarantees this would work.

“No guarantee this work work” ? Am I alone in thinking that this makes it sound like a method that people would actively consider viable? In this day and age, surely not?

Original link here: BBC suggests terrorist attack might boost McCain’s popularity

…you’ve got nothing to hide.

This is the heinously erroneous (That means “Really really wrong”) statement is the last defence of someone who doesn’t really understand anything. They are the people who have absolute faith in the government, complete obedience to the state and most likely would try and deny the Holocaust. Low blow? The Jews, blacks, gays, gypsies and Russians didn’t have anything to hide, but it didn’t stop a totalitarian system rounding them up and gassing them in their thousands.

I have nothing to hide, except maybe acorns come winter, but I certainly don’t want a 3rd party collecting and inspecting every last detail about me not because I don’t trust the power structure now, but because I know it has the potential to change in the future. Once that information is collected, it’s impossible to un-collect it, so I would think very dearly about just how much you want to hand over. You never know when the next Adolf is coming round the corner…

That aside another thing that really annoys me is the Government passing legislation in the name of “Anti Terrorism” when it’s plainly just carte-blanche to do as they please – “Random” Stop and Search and covert intelligence gathering for one, or brandishing an entire nation as “Terrorists” and freezing their assets when it suits.

Say what now?

Exactly. Legislation brought in to allow the government to freeze the assets of a suspected terrorists (Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001) has been brought in against Iceland. The northerly, peace loving ex-vikings who fish for cod, program space-based MMORPGS and got suckered by the whole fractional gold-shitting-unicorn pipe dream of a banking system like the rest of the West. The difference is, of course, is that our great and noble country seems to think nothing of leveraging an anti-terror bill against an entire country. Are we really that terrified of the credit crisis? Did Iceland collapse its banking system as an act of political aggression directed towards a home or foreign body of state (You know, like, what terrorism is all about…)

No. They didn’t. Labelling it “security” is weak too, people have known about this coming crisis for at least 5 years, so to pretend it came out of the blue represents an intelligence failling so massive that it makes you wonder why they have an intelligence service in the first place. It’s quite frankly disgusting on too many levels to list here. Most of all, though, it should wake up the spineless fools who nodded over the top of their copy of The Sun on the ride to work in agreement with the last batch of anti “terror” rulings, hopeless in the belief that it would keep them safe from the bogeyman. The government seems quite happy to disrespectfully re-brand Iceland as a “terrorist”, and if they can do it to and entire nation, they can do it to you just the same.

If you have nothing to hide, you have everything to worry about, because when the blame is on you, they won’t stop asking questions until you give them what they want to hear. If you’re so arrogant as to assume you’ll never find yourself in that spot, find a European Jewish retiree and ask their opinion, they’ll have a lot to tell you.

Big Brother is Taxing You

Tuesday 1349hrs

12 Billion pounds for an insidious nazist database. And people complained about the LHC? This is absolute bloody madness, how about spending 12 billion fixing the broken education system so that you can create a generation of informed and responsible citizens who will do their own part to make the country safe and prosperous? Oh, yeah that’s right, the last thing anyone needs is educated and informed citizens, they’re a right pain in the neck. Ask the French Monarchy.

The only question left for me now, is which Ministry do I sign up for? I’m thinking the Ministry of Truth, as I’ve got a pretty keen eye for detail…

That’s mankind, generally at least.
Fortunately there are a few people who buck the trend and do things like this: Hubble Deep Field Image

If you feel nothing when you watch this, then, well, I’ve got no words for you that’ll make a damn bit of difference.

The Man in the White Suit

Friday 1304hrs

So, how long until Enron have these guys shot?

Shareholders are Evil

Thursday 1509hrs

I’ve said many times to many people that the system of “Shareholding” is the root of almost all evil. See, my logic is that if someone is involved as a purely financial shareholder (And not as a founding director, for example) then their only interest in the company at all is the financial performance of the company. This leads to many things. Support for wars, calls for shameless exploitation of children in the East, rapacious polluting of local rivers and streams to save expenditure on those pesky environmental regulations.

Why? For profit, of course. Altruism and decency go out of the window when an abstract EPS (Earnings per Share) becomes your sole interest.

So it’s no wonder I regard with some frustration our wonderful government turning over of essential, national supplies such as water, gas and electric to private shareholder motivated corporations. “Competition will keep prices down”, they hark, without realising that they’ve simply established a co-operative monopoly with only one interest: Profit.

See, the energy companies have a complete monopoly, even if they are acting as individual corporate entities. Why? Well the vast majority of the population have no means by which to adequately generate their own power, pump their own clean water, or supply their own clean, burnable gas. There is simply no competition, which means energy companies can do what they want with the prices and justify them however they please. In the case of these rapacious shareholders they’re claiming that freezing Grandma to death this winter is because, quote:

“This is a business that has got a million shareholders – a lot of pension funds and people have got their savings invested in British Gas shares and we have to look after them”

So clearly, their intention is to look after those people who have a stake in their company at the expense of the quality of life of the citizens of Great Britain. Is that really the attitude we want to see from the providers of essential services? The components of national infrastructure that contribute to basic qualities of life should never be placed in the hands of people who have no interest in the good of the people, it’s madness.

A democratic government has an obligation to its electorate, the majority, not the wealthy elite, yet time and time again we see them sacrificing essential public services in the name of “financial competition” and profits. As we charge headlong into plutocracy my advice to anyone out there is to get wealthy or learn how to survive without Oxygen, as sooner or later they’re going to start charging for air.

Has anyone else noticed that the volume dial on the BBC embedded iPlayer goes to 11?
It made me chuckle, at least.

Just thought I’d share this gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeTIv9UkY8c

It’s a bloke standing up for himself against the Thought Police / Brown Shirts / NAZI Enforcement Squad / UK Security Policy.

You go mate, I just hope the rest of the mindless sheep that inhabit this green isle take to heart your example and start fighting back against the continual persecution of innocent people and the erosions of freedom within the UK under the shoddy and two-sided banner of anti-terror legislations.

If we cannot be free people in our own land under our own democracy, then I can only conclude that the terrorists, if they’re out there, have won.