Ten green bottles…

Wednesday, June 29th, 2005 at 0329

This has nothing to do with bottles. This has everything to do with the thousands of robots, underpaid Americans and bored 13 year old ‘Hax0rs’ that think advertising loans, viagra, herbal viagra, casino viagra, texas holdem viagra, poker, herbal poker and herbal texas holdem viagra loans on my website is going to get them even one more visitor to whatever lousy site they’re touting.

It’s really getting silly. For a while now I’ve had WordPress on ‘Moderate all comments’ mode, meaning I have to look through a list of all comments and yes/no them. I also installed a basic blacklist module to try and crop out some of the rubbish I get blasted with on a 24 hour basis. These things are starting also to fail me, the only corner I can run to now is the newness of wordpress1.5.2, which I shall be doing when I return from Oz.

I have decided to make a list.

  • Complete the new AMM plugin with the assistance of Sozu Web Design
  • Redesign my website slightly and upgrade to WP1.5
  • Finalyl write a working gallery thing so I can get some more photos online

Now, regulars here will remember that I made an eerily similar list some 5 months ago and, evidently, have completely failled to complete it. No more. Sick of idleness I am. Small and green I have become.

Fed up with saying I’ll do thing and not doing things, really this time, I’m going to go ahead and do them. Promise. If I don’t, the herbal loan peddlers deserve everything they get, including interest rates that will stay up for hours.

3 Comment for “Ten green bottles…”

  1. Andrew Said this on

    fs, just install the script that closes comments after 21 days! GOogle for it!

    Welcome back btw 😉

  2. Denyerec Said this on

    Back ? I’m still in Oz mate 😉

  3. SCPanther Said this on

    I was getting visits from those same folks. I installed a plugin called Bad Behavior and they’ve all dried up!

    You might want to check it out.

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