My buttons…my buttons…

Friday, March 19th, 2004 at 1643

I’ve been meddling today with a “websize” button, the kind you commonly see linking blogs and sites all over the place. Why? Well, for a little bit of cross-linking promotion of course. If you host a site and would like to link me with my button (Which I’ll always appreciate), you can simply right click below and link from my server if you wish, or copy it off to your own space and link it there.

Munky Button

It’s been passed on to sigring, which was brought to my attention by a chap called Phunky in the Quakenet #webdev channel. Hopefully get some feedback from them soon…

6 Comment for “My buttons…my buttons…”

  1. str8dog Said this on

    nice design.. I am diggin that monkey! You got my vote

  2. Phunky Said this on

    Yeah, think you will fit right into the sigRing fella 😉

    Oh drop by too… it’s most of the SigRing’rs little pet project

  3. Jeremy Said this on

    I agree with Phunky and str8dog. Very nice site.

  4. Zoomer Said this on

    sounds interesting.

    I see you tried abstract now 😀

  5. Denyerec Said this on

    I see you’re still not checking the “Date Taken” date, that one’s from June 2003!!

  6. Zoomer Said this on

    then why ya only just decided to post it?

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