Twist of Lime
Monday, July 19th, 2004 at 1024I finally got a new photo out! Admittedly it was under duress from a self-imposed deadling, but nobody is perfect. I’ve had a fair number of people asking me for a wallpaper version of this image, if you would like one then please contact me using the “contact me” form on this website, or leave a comment on this thread. It’s available in sizes down from 1600×1200 to 1024×768 for CRT users and 1280×1024 for the TFT crew.
that’s an ingenious idea, man… lovin it 😉
Would it be possible to hav ea high res version of the ‘notmoving’ squirrel for my desktop background? I love squirrels, and I think its an excellent photo.
I’m a work colleague of Andrew Neil, thats how I came across your site.
Andrew has the bleeding lime as his desktop background, and I must say I find it rather disturbing.