
Friday, February 13th, 2004 at 0955

This Article on the BBC, which is probably behind the likes of Slashdot and others regarding the speed of announcement, tripped me up this morning. The part I love the most is the last paragraph, which I quote:

But the other threat to Microsoft is the fact that such access could provide a competitive edge to its rivals, who would gain a much better understanding of the inner workings of Microsoft’s technology.

One would have thought that the exposure of a little of the workings of Windows would assist developers of software and hardware no end, interesting to see that the Redmond Beast views both of these as rivals. Coupled with this, it’s not exactly like other OS developers are frantically trying to copy the Windows kernal, in fact, quite the opposite. If only I could find the relevant links for it…

I’m not sure about you, but the only thing keeping me off linux is Adobe’s resistance to releasing a Linux build of its software. Don’t anyone dare mention WINE, I’ve heard it all before. A friend tells me that the version built for Mac’s is a GCC built effort, so it’s not as if it would be too much of a strain to do it. My Conspiracy Theory gland then starts to itch, suggesting that perhaps somebody backhanded them with a brown envelope. You never know.

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