Amazon Media Manager 1.1

Sunday 1209hrs

Forget this, the all new version is out. I blogged about it here but you can just go grab all the goodies from the Amazon Media Manager homepage. Thankyou.


Whaddya Want?

Monday 1346hrs

Over the weekend my traffic hit the lowest point it’s seen in a long time.
It got me thinking… What do you people want to see?

This started out as a photography site, but the hits in the gallery (Using my very crude PHP hit detector) don’t match up with the hits I get on my blog page, which made me wonder whether it’s my photographs or my irreverent rambling you want.

Please, see the comment button just down there to the right?

Hit that, and tell me what you want.


Friday 0850hrs

If you cast your eyes to the right there, good sirs, you’ll notice a little quote. Today’s is by Winston Churchill, but today is the 2nd of April. Tomorrow, it will change. And the day after, and the day after that. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is a random daily quote generator! Coded my by own incompetant fair hand, it will display for you 1 quote per day. I’ve not yet gotten it to have the funky little quote marks seen on the BBC website as I’m not yet sure if that’s worth the effort.

If you’d like a copy to include on your wordpress log, or (given the fact it’ll work on any website and doesn’t require a MySQL database) any other website for that matter, just drop me a line.

I’m back!

Sunday 1226hrs

Thanks to Valuehost playing a little too heavily on the value and not so much on the host, my site went down for 4 days. Right at the time when my webby’s URL got into a national magazine. Bummer.
Partly in anger, partly through sensibility and partly thanks to a paypal donation from a very good friend of mine (You’ll get it back when I get paid, honest!), I have switched hosts to United Hosting. They have servers in the US, and they answer tedious support queries within 5 minutes when it’s 2am GMT. Kudos.

Now the bad news… Site migration went OK, but their server setup is a little different so I can’t upload any new images with my old script until I get things fixed up. Hold in there, revisit the gallery and please, please please let me know if you find something that’s not working as I’ll need to patch it up.

Magazine extract to follow, as soon as I fix image uploads. got its first piece of national recognition today amongst the pages of Digital Music Maker magazine. It was regarding the Grey Tuesday protest which happened a bit back. Those of you who visit regularly will recall the site turning grey, etc.
Well, shortly after a journo wrote to everyone on the GT website, asking for quotes to go into an article. I obliged, he said my response was perfect and lo, it’s in print. I’m scanning the page for you good people, and will be putting it up here for you to see as soon as I can.

Me, in print! Hah. Now if only that album had been my kind of music… :)

Copy, Right?

Thursday 0000hrs

A site was forwarded to me a few moment ago, it was this one, it’s got something to do with a tennis website.
The most interesting part of the article was a section toward the bottom of the document, which reads as follows…

To deter Webmasters from using these photos on other Webpages or using them outside the above permitted uses, I have been advised to set a scale of standard charges for unauthorised use. This makes it extremely easy to obtain significant damages for unauthorised use of the photos, by applying the legal process from any court in a country that is a signatory to the Berne Convention, most Countries in the world have signed this convention.

The scale of charges are:
250 US dollars per Week per Photo, starting from the date of the infringement.
Unpaid bills accrue interest.
Expenses incurred by myself and the collection Agency, in the collection of these fees are also chargeable.

I think that’s a rather good idea myself… Read the rest of this entry »

Favicon Goodness!

Tuesday 1727hrs

I seem to have spent today chasing details. Insignificant little things that for some reason have consumed more time than I’d prefer. Todays major end result, the one I can show to you easily, is the “favicon”. Lo, the munky is in the address bar and in your bookmarks. If you still haven’t taken my advice then you may have to delete your old bookmark and make a new one for it to show up. People using decent browsers won’t have a problem.

I think he’s kinda cute.

If any of you out there want to do this to your site, it’s really quite simple. First up, make yourself a 16×16 pixel image in the editor of your choice and save it as a BMP or a GIF. Then go to where they’ll kindly turn your BMP or GIF, online, into the required .ICO format for you, for free. Cool eh?

Then you simply upload the favicon.ico file to the same place as your main HTML file and add the following code in the <HEAD> section of your HTML:

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />


More buttons.

Monday 2343hrs

I thought I’d share my buttons with the world. There will come a time when these will warrant a separate page, but for now, a humdrum post shall do.

Firstly the two which I’d actually prefer everyone to use, though I don’t mind if you use the others.

MunkyButton Animated
MunkyButton Small

Yes, he does wink. It’s not just your eyes/tireness/refresh rate/juju men.

Also, the old buttons, included for completeness.

Butt Button

Shameless, I know. Next up, the original orange one.

MunkyButton Old

Hotlink from my site, or copy them to your own space, it’s up to you, personally I’d just like them to get a little airtime!

If you want to add these buttons to your site and you’re not sure how, here’s what to do. Add the following code to your site:

<a href=""><img src="LINKHERE" /></a>

Then copy the link for the image you want to use and replace the text LINKHERE with the link you just copied. Job done!